About Us

ORETETI Law Office is a leading, full service corporate and commercial law firm in the United Republic of Tanzania, with a multi-disciplinary team of lawyers working on various areas of practice. Through our extensive experience as a firm combined with that of our lawyers, independently, we have established a strong market knowledge not only in Tanzania but also in the world. We deliver legal services to a broad range of clients across numerous sectors and professionals.
ORETETI Law Office provide legal services to clients in banking and finance, private equity, energy, infrastructure, oil and gas, mining and minerals, telecommunications, hospitality and leisure, insurance, Arbitration and dispute resolution. Oreteti Associates, provides Legal, Tax and Business Solutions to Public/Private East Africa Business and Corporate Community. It is a matter of paramount importance that, our clients meets their target at exact timing with less cost.
Our specialization includes, Corporate Governance, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Tax, Wealth, Investments and Business Solutions.
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Our firm's vision is to provide legal services to all businesses, institutions or persons, to offer practical solutions to our clients and to be universally recognized as a full service law firm.
We undertake to embrace our client's needs and address them soundly by offering turn-around time, to enable them make informed decisions.
We have a reputation for providing exceptional legal services. We are renowned for our commitment to excellence and for our ability to find innovative solutions to the most complex of legal problems which our clients recognize and value.